Reduce Energy Usage and Save Money
EnergyWise Essex is a volunteer outreach and education campaign with the goal of helping homeowners, tenants, and landlords implement energy efficiency upgrades that reduce their energy consumption and lower their electric, gas, and oil bills. The program is a partnership between Sustainable Essex, the Town of Essex, and Eversource and Connecticut Natural Gas, proud Sponsors of Energize ConnecticutSM.
The group has also teamed up with New England Smart Energy, a utility authorized contractor, to offer Home Energy SolutionsSM. During this assessment and service, a contractor will review your home’s energy performance, implement on-the-spot improvements, and show you how to save money and energy year-round.
You’ll also learn about relevant Energize CT rebates, incentives, and financing options. The visit includes a blower door test, a health and safety check, a comprehensive energy report, and instant savings measures, including air sealing and installation of water-saving devices.
This service is offered at no cost for income-eligible residents and for a $75 co-pay for all other customers. The average value of the products and services received is $950, and the average household saves $180 per year after the initial visit, and even more if additional weatherization recommendations are completed.
To get started, fill out the form below to sign up for a home energy assessment and service.
Join us to make your community more sustainable and enjoy the benefits of a greener home!

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Fields marked (*) are required. Please use name and address as printed on utility bill.